Thursday, February 18, 2010

Using E-Books in Ministry

In what ways can e-books be used in ministry?

To gain respect. When someone takes out their time to read a book, it is usually because they respect and value the opinions of the author. Today, there are an ever-increasing number of ministers with honorary doctrines, blingy bishop rings, and “non-denominational” followers. However, people grant another “real” respect because of what they know, not their title. Using an e-book in your ministry will help you get that respect. But note: a poorly presented or written e-book may cause you to lose respect, but an excellent one is a good reputation builder. Both your followers and your fellow ministers will grant you expert status.

To make money. There is nothing wrong with offering free e-books to gain notoriety. But at some point your time and energy should have a positive impact on your pockets. It costs a bit to publish them in electronic formation but it costs little to nothing to distribute them. After they are written, any proceeds are purely income. You will never have to pay to print more like you would with printed books. Just like with physical books, e-books must be marketed. However, there are methods of marketing that will keep the cost down and the return on investment high.

To give gifts. Is it better to give or receive? Test this theory with your e-books. Give it away and watch the value of the results. When you want someone to do something, offering them something for free almost always works. For instance, if you are trying to increase the sales of your worship CD, offer a free e-book on worship with a purchase. People want to feel like they got more out of the deal than they paid for.

To marketing. If you want more speaking engagements, publish e-books. If you want more members at your church, publish e-books. If you want to sell more products, publish e-books. How will publishing e-books help? Let’s say you have written an e-book on prosperity. If someone googles prosperity and your e-book comes up, they might read it and inherit your point of view. Well, if that e-book has links to your website and stories about your ministry or business, perhaps the read will be provoked to support your further. You have gained a new follower or customer.

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