Saturday, July 31, 2010

Want to learn more about M/I Promotions and Marketing services? Click here

Friday, July 30, 2010

M/I eBlasts can be used to inform the community on your ministry, business, or products.
2010 Summer Music Festival Aug. 29 featuring: Alert, Beckon Q, Roots 101 and Ro8, DJs Jessi Kay & John Christopher info
Christian Business Owners: What image do you want to project to the world (the market)?
I'm ready for my baby to here...

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Have a marketing question about your ministry or business? Post it here. Let's brainstorm.
Dove Press is now accepting press releases for Kansas City. Event announcements: please send a press release to

A GODLY Leadership Moment

…DO NOT WORRY….Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear… Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?... O ye of little faith?... Your Heavenly Father knows what you need. Seek first His kingdom & righteousness and all these things will be given to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow” MATTHEW 6:25-34

NOT WORRYING is a tough concept for all of us, no matter who you are! Leaders have to (and must) deal with this personally as well as for those they lead! In these challenging times with so much hopelessness, bad economy, people/friends losing jobs, organization struggling, oil spilling, disasters here and there, people being laid off – who or what is next? Will it be you, a loved one or some of those you lead? It is nearly a daily occurrence to hear from someone close in our lives who has been impacted; I heard from a good friend and executive just this morning that is now out of a job. It’s everywhere, and we’re not supposed to worry?!? Indeed, this is one of the tougher biblical principles we are supposed to follow… YIKES, no that’s DOUBLE YIKES.

As leaders we are really needed by those we lead. As much as we may want to focus & dwell on our own worries, stresses, etc………..your folks need you & your leadership! A few points to share as I have been pondering this much lately:

* Let them know you also have concerns personally as well as your concern for them. Be ‘human’ and don’t be afraid of letting them see it. When we let others IN, we build trust & strong relationships. Some believe this shows weakness as a leader – that’s just wrong. The relationships in our lives makes these times much more palatable – especially when one of those relationships is YOU, their boss! When we all get thru these times (and we will unless we don’tJ)…and things turn around - this trusting relationship you built WITH THEM will pay huge dividends.

* Working relationships between co-workers can become very strained as individuals withdrawal, lack concentration, and/or lash out at others. Don’t avoid it or try to pretend it’s not there. It is real and everyone feels it. Why not get it out for all to know and relaize we are all dealing with it and we (the leader and the rest of the team) are there for each other. It needs to be be dealt with, exposed and curtailed before it gets out of hand. Although we can never be sure of our security (of our jobs) and those that we lead, we need to reassure our people as much as possible; & with the truth as we know it!

* You may be thinking that you are not there to be a counselor, therapist or psychologist! I for one, totally disagree. Leaders are absolutely conscious and realize that their job is indeed all of these and more. It may not be in your job description, but trust me, the ones you lead know what they need from you; and again it’s all of those and more… God’s best, BOOKER

"People don't care how much you know until they first know how much you care."

Doug Booker

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Want to learn more about M/I Promotions and Marketing services? Click here
Do you need advise on MARKETING yourself, ministry, or company? Let's talk. 816.921.3633

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

An M/I eBlasts, with a distribution of nearly 10,000 email recipients, is a great way to publicize your next event.
Has your business/ministry reached the stage where you no longer have time to do it all? Maybe we can help. Contact me....

Monday, July 26, 2010

Help underprivileged kids & have fun Chicago July 30 blading dodgeball dance lessons 4 info

An M/I Moment with Apostle Denise P. Isaac

My name is Denise P. Isaac. I am an Apostle/Overseer who specializes in Apostolic/Healing/ Deliverance/Family (Agape)

I was licensed to minister in 1982 but when the Lord called and appointed me to the Pastorate I resisted at first, for I was or rather am a RN by trade and was also working as a Surety Agent (Bonds Person) as well and was comfortable until I became Sis. Job-ette. You know the rest from there (total surrender) came.

We affect the nations by supporting financially, emotionally, spiritually (holistically) to the indigent (poor/needy) first "NO" matter where they are or who.

The future holds a promising one of fulfillment and a greater level of reverence and obedience that will bring God (ABBA) the glory that He deserves, requires, needs and wants from us.

The biography should be a "Woman of Integrity, Agape and Obedience for and unto Him"

I am "transparent" and everything that I AM I am to "ALL" in every aspect. I do not know of anything that I have "NOT" shared or displayed to at least someone, somewhere, someday throughout my life (My life is a very excited and interesting one too, without all the drama).

Contact: 786-255-1509

M/I Promotions takes pride in marketing and promoting the industry of ministry but also giving back to the community and highlight those who do the same. If you would like to be highlight, email us on
Promoting the Ministry of Industry
A quick question for PASTORS: Are the people you are reaching more religious or pagan?

Sunday, July 25, 2010

What a weekend?! The baby shower was such a blessing yesterday. And church today was amazing.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Want to learn more about M/I Promotions and Marketing services? Click here
M/I Fusion Marketing can help you form a partnership with another business to expand and mutually benefit each other's business.
BABY SHOWER Tomorrow. I am excited. And in exactly 30 days, Miss Triniti will be with us.
Are you a Christian or Gospel Music Artist looking for management or more bookings? 816-921-3633

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Christian Business Owners: Why should you be chosen over your competitors?
Visit Dove Press to read free ebook, “Helping of Hindering” by Pastor David C. Hairabedian
Doors open, in the Name of Jesus
Sign up for M/I Promotions eBlasts. Get events and announcements from the Industry of Ministry. Visit

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Amazing new book proves God's existence: "Questions About God--And the Answers That Could Change Your Life." Available on Amazon.
Visit Dove press to read inspiring article that will provide you with knowledge to be set free: “Conquering Our Soul, Undoing the Bondage”
Want to learn more about M/I Promotions and Marketing services? Click here
Social media is not an island. It's a high-power engine on the larger marketing ship. - M. Dickman | M/I Social Media Mktg

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Having a great day. Thanks for all of the bday wishes. Im accepting cash, checks, and chicken! lol.
Another year of life. Praise God!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Help underprivileged kids & have fun Chicago July 9 & 30 blading dodgeball dance lessons Detroit July 17 roller skating 4 info
Want to learn more about M/I Promotions and Marketing services? Click here
M/I Cause-related marketing helps for-profit companies mix with a nonprofit organization to PROMOTE the company & to RAISE money
Are you a Christian or Gospel Music Artist looking for management or more bookings? 816-921-3633

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Christian Business Owners: What problem are you solving for consumers and how is your solution unique/better?

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Sign up for M/I Promotions eBlasts. Get events and announcements from the Industry of Ministry. Visit

Friday, July 16, 2010

Amazing new book proves God's existence: "Questions About God--And the Answers That Could Change Your Life." Available on Amazon.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Visit Dove Press for positive and encouraging news on the works of the Holy Spirit through Believers.
Social media isn't the end-all-be-all, but it offers us unparalleled opportunity to participate in relevant ways | M/I Social Media Mktg
Do you need advise on MARKETING yourself, ministry, or company? Let's talk. 816.921.3633

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

M/I is Street Marketing. M/I is Word of Mouth Marketing. M/I is College Marketing. M/I is Marketing YOU!!!
Has your business/ministry reached the stage where you no longer have time to do it all? Maybe we can help. Contact me....
Question for PASTORS: Is your time spent more in fixing people's problems or equipping them for ministry?
Amazing new book proves God's existence: "Questions About God--And the Answers That Could Change Your Life." Available on Amazon.

Planning a Promotional Campaign for a Pastor, Church or Ministry, Part 3

Ministries have a message they deem necessary to be heard. While word of mouth is always a valued resource for publicity, planning a promotions strategy is not a bad idea.

The proper promotional message must be developed. When repping Jesus, the message is clear. But every ministry has a different style and method for spreading the Gospel. At first, the promotional message may seem like a no brainer but there are many components to consider. The content, appeal, structure, format, and source of the message are all important.

Now for the best part – the budget. We all know salvation is free but ministry takes money. Ideally a budget will be determined and followed. Is this a local campaign or national? Break down the cost per territory. Then consider the mix elements for each. Billboards in Detroit may cost more than in Kansas City. Decide which sections of the campaign require the most financial obligation. After evaluating affordability, percent of sales, and competitive parity, one might get a better idea on gauging the success potential of your campaign.

An integral part of any good plan is evaluation of effectiveness and re-execution. How did the actual performance measure up to planned objectives? When the visitors start to flood your church porch, ask them how they heard about you. This will give you a good over of which tools are working best.

To promote means to elevate. The Bible makes countless charges to elevate or magnify the Lord. Keep God at the forefront of your promotional campaign, and everything will be great.

Terrell L. McTyer
M/I Promotions
“Promoting the Industry of Ministry with Kingdom Excellence"
Promotions for Pastors, Churches, and Ministries
Office: 816-921-3633
Do you need advise on MARKETING yourself, ministry, or company? Let's talk. 816.921.3633

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Want to learn more about M/I Promotions and Marketing services? Click here
Are you a Christian or Gospel Music Artist looking for management or more bookings? 816-921-3633
Christian Business Owners: What are your business and communication objectives?
Trying to work but I am so sleepy. Still trying to recover from a long weekend.
Visit Dove Press to read a free ebook, “Seven Deadly Diseases of the Tongue” by David C. Hairabedian
Amazing new book proves God's existence: "Questions About God--And the Answers That Could Change Your Life." Available on Amazon.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

5th Annual Writer's Breakthrough Workshop! Come get answers to book publishing questions. For info/registration click

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Do you have to many emails to manage on your own? M/I can help? Contact me...
Do you need advise on MARKETING yourself, ministry, or company? Let's talk. 816.921.3633
Vision is the enemy of Sight.
What does this mean to you?
M/I Promotions is Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Networking, Blogging, Link Building, Eblasts, Video Engine Optimization.
5th Annual Writer's Breakthrough Workshop! Come get answers to book publishing questions. For info/registration click

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

An M/I Moment with Mark Adkison, the President & Founder of is a site that connects fans with artists in the contemporary Christian music genre. Our site specializes in hearing music before it’s available in stores as well as behind the scenes video interviews that we film and produce ourselves. We cover multiple Christian genres ROCK, POP, URBAN (Rap/Hip Hop, Traditional Black Gospel), WORSHIP and Independent bands and artists from around the country.

I founded the site in 1998 as part of EMI Christian Music Group’s ForeFront Records division. The site name came from when we were working with the group dc Talk and wanted to premiere/sneak preview their new record Supernatural to fans to help build anticipation for the record before it hit the store shelves. So we “streamed” the album online, two songs per week, six weeks before the CD was available in stores.

We believe that Christian music is a tool that Christ uses to draw us closer to Him. We work with artists and bands that impact lives by presenting the gospel to Christians that encourage them in their daily walk as well as draw those that don’t know him into relationship with him.

We are working to continue to get the word out about our site. Although many areas have Christian music radio stations, many times it doesn’t meet the needs of every musical taste. We pray that we continue to reach people and that they’re able to come to the site to discover, reengage in the music they love and that the Spirit would lead them into closer relationship with Christ. We will continue to produce better content and work with artists to deliver a great experience that is second to none.

If someone wrote a biography about me, it would be titled “Football, Music, Computers and Jesus!”

On a side note, I would love to become a really good stand-up comedian.

This has been an M/I Moment with Mark Adkison. M/I Promotions works to “Promote the Industry of Ministry with Kingdom Excellence." We specialize in custom marketing, eblasts, promoting, social media marketing, branding, design, virtual assistance and networking for churches, ministries, Christian music artists, faith-based non profit and Christian business owners. 816.921.3633
Help underprivileged kids & have fun Chicago July 9 & 30 blading dodgeball dance lessons Detroit July 17 roller skating 4 info
Visit Dove Press to read how a 16 year old minister rescued two children during a devastating storm.
Want to learn more about M/I Promotions and Marketing services? Click here

Monday, July 5, 2010

M/I Internet Marketing: Its interactive nature in terms of providing instant response & eliciting them, is a unique quality.
When you own your own business, you dont get a day off.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Are you a Christian or Gospel Music Artist looking for management or more bookings? 816-921-3633
5th Annual Writer's Breakthrough Workshop! Come get answers to book publishing questions. For info/registration click
Christian Business Owners: What story are you trying to tell?

Friday, July 2, 2010

Date nite with my wife. Shakespeare in the Park!
Amazing new book proves God's existence: "Questions About God--And the Answers That Could Change Your Life." Available on Amazon.
Visit Dove Press to read free online ebook, “Spiritual Key for Every Healing” b y David C. Hariabedian.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

5th Annual Writer's Breakthrough Workshop! Come get answers to book publishing questions. For info/registration click